Seeker Resources
The Seeker Tier offers you the opportunity to create your own, unique ChangeWorks profile — and expand and polish your skills at interpreting and integrating your Personal ChangeGrid®:
Activate your own “My Personal ChangeGrid®” online account, providing you with unlimited access for creating and integrating the ChangeGrid® into your daily life.
Download the “Mastering Personal Change” Course Outline & Handouts to help you get the most from the FREE online training course available on our YouTube channel.
Mastering Personal Change, Lesson 1
Mastering Personal Change, Lesson 2
Mastering Personal Change, Lesson 3
Mastering Personal Change, Lesson 4
Join us for our weekly “Seekers’ Gathering” — a 60-minute live webinar where you can ask questions, share answers and explore the many ways that the ChangeGrid® helps you.
Gain access to the library of recordings of the “Seekers’ Gatherings” you miss.
Receive a 50% Discount on a private ChangeGrid® Reading with T. Falcon Napier.
In addition to the resources listed above, your membership tier also includes everything currently available in the lower tiers, which can be accessed following the links provided below: